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aya mohamed


النبذة الشخصية: Copywriting: Copywriting involves writing persuasive and compelling content with the aim of promoting a product, service, or idea. This could include writing copy for advertisements, websites, social media posts, email campaigns, brochures, and more. Good copywriting focuses on capturing attention, building interest, creating desire, and prompting action (known as the AIDA formula). It should also be tailored to the target audience, convey the unique selling points of the product or service, and be clear and concise.

Marketing Design

عرض أكثر

النبذة الشخصية: Copywriting: Copywriting involves writing persuasive and compelling content with the aim of promoting a product, service, or idea. This could include writing copy for advertisements, websites, social media posts, email campaigns, brochures, and more. Good copywriting focuses on capturing attention, building interest, creating desire, and prompting action (known as the AIDA formula). It should also be tailored to the target audience, convey the unique selling points of the product or service, and be clear and concise.

Marketing Design

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