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Fahad Bin Saad


النبذة الشخصية: As a Public Relationship Specialist at Almozaini Real Estate, I manage the communication operations, customer relationship management, and internal relations for the company. I also develop and update the data and information for the company, manage meetings and protocols, and manage investor relations. I am passionate about improving the mental image of the establishment and enhancing the customer experience.
الجنس: ذكر

عرض أكثر

النبذة الشخصية: As a Public Relationship Specialist at Almozaini Real Estate, I manage the communication operations, customer relationship management, and internal relations for the company. I also develop and update the data and information for the company, manage meetings and protocols, and manage investor relations. I am passionate about improving the mental image of the establishment and enhancing the customer experience.
الجنس: ذكر

عرض أكثر
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