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النقاط (660)

Fajer Hatamleh


النبذة الشخصية: Digital Marketing Executive & e-Shop Manager,I will strive to develop digital media strategies with business goals aligned & with the company’s vision, work to embody the existence of the company's online presence, enhance brand awareness, and spread the company’s message through social media and other online channels to increase the company’s sales & improve customer engagement using various marketing strategies, oversee and Manage all online activity, digital marketing channels, email marketing, website, and e-shop.

عرض أكثر

النبذة الشخصية: Digital Marketing Executive & e-Shop Manager,I will strive to develop digital media strategies with business goals aligned & with the company’s vision, work to embody the existence of the company's online presence, enhance brand awareness, and spread the company’s message through social media and other online channels to increase the company’s sales & improve customer engagement using various marketing strategies, oversee and Manage all online activity, digital marketing channels, email marketing, website, and e-shop.

عرض أكثر
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