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Mamoun Matar


النبذة الشخصية: Name: Mamoun Abdullah Matar Salim
Digital Media expert and consultant , developed Different media and communication stratygies and communication plan for different projects , institutions and entities.
i- Developed and conducted training for Syrian media - training guide and the communication policy and procedures for the communication s

عرض أكثر

النبذة الشخصية: Name: Mamoun Abdullah Matar Salim
Digital Media expert and consultant , developed Different media and communication stratygies and communication plan for different projects , institutions and entities.
i- Developed and conducted training for Syrian media - training guide and the communication policy and procedures for the communication s

عرض أكثر
أسئلة وإجابات

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الأعضاء الذين يتابعهم Mamoun Matar


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